Category: News

End of Light Studios - Ireland

Movment Begin Recording Their 2nd Album

Movment have begun recording the follow up to their album “Broken Down” The new album sessions will continue throughout 2014, with a provisional release date been planned for the end of 2014.


Movment - Driven

New Single “Driven” on CD and 7″ Vinyl

Movment have released a single “Driven” on CD, 7″ Vinyl and as a digital download in Ireland and the UK.
The release also contains “Angle For Living”, a track from their album “Broken Down”.


New Single & Album from Movment in 2012

The first album from Movment will be called “Broken Down”. Mixing of the album is now complete. A release date later this year will be confirmed in the coming months. The album will be preceded by a single called “Driven”.


Mixing the New Album from Movment

The recordings of the first album from Movment are now complete. Eleven songs have been recorded and these are being mixed at present in London. A release date in 2012 is likely. Movment have already begun writing songs for their […]


New Album Almost Complete

The first album from Movment is being recorded at present. Mixing will take place in the next few months. A release date in 2012 is being planned.
